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The GPT4MultiModal class is a subclass of the torch.nn.Module class. This class serves as a model for handling both image and text input in the form of sequences. It integrates the ViTransformerWrapper for image encoding and the Transformer for text decoding.

The primary aim of this class is to enable encoding an image and use it as context for generating a text sequence, hence the name GPT4MultiModal. Typical usage would be to pass an image to the encoder and a sequence of tokens (corresponding to a language prompt) to the decoder. The class will output a sequence of tokens- the length of the sequence will depend on the transformer architecture used.

Class Constructor

This class accepts the following parameters:

Parameters Keyboard Argument Type Default Value Description
image_size image_size int 256 Input image size
patch_size patch_size int 32 Size of each image patch
encoder_dim encoder_dim int 512 Dimension of encoder
encoder_depth encoder_depth int 6 The depth of the encoder
encoder_heads encoder_heads int 8 The number of attention heads in the encoder
num_tokens num_tokens int 20000 The number of unique tokens
max_seq_len max_seq_len int 1024 Maximum sequence length for text
decoder_dim decoder_dim int 512 Dimension of decoder
decoder_depth decoder_depth int 6 The depth of the decoder
decoder_heads decoder_heads int 8 The number of attention heads in the decoder
alibi_num_heads alibi_num_heads int 4 The number of attention heads per transformer
use_abs_pos_emb use_abs_pos_emb bool False If True, embeds input using absolute positional embedding
cross_attend cross_attend bool True If True, enables cross attention in decoder
alibi_pos_bias alibi_pos_bias bool True If True, positional bias is added to alibi
rotary_xpos rotary_xpos bool True Enables rotary positional embeddings
attn_flash attn_flash bool True If True, enables the use of Flash-like attention
qk_norm qk_norm bool True If True, enables query-key normalization


The following methods are available in this class.

forward(self, img, text) -> Union[Tensor, str]

The forward method is used to perform the forward propagation operation of the GPT4MultiModal model. It accepts an image and a sequence of tokens and returns a sequence of tokens.


Parameters Keyboard Argument Type Default Value Description
img img Tensor - The input image tensor
text text Tensor - The sequence of tokens to be used as input


Type Description
Union[Tensor, str] Output sequence of tokens or an error message if an exception is encountered

Example of Use

Consider having an image tensor img of size (1, 256, 256, 3) and a text tensor text of size (1, 50). Here is an example of how to use GPT4MultiModal

import torch

from zeta.models import GPT4MultiModal

# Initialize the model
model = GPT4MultiModal(

# Assume we have an image tensor 'img' of size (1, 256, 256, 3) and
# a text tensor 'text' of size (1, 50)

# Run the model
output = model(img, text)

This will encode img using the ViTransformerWrapper and then use the encoded embeddings as the context for the Transformer to generate a sequence of tokens from text. The sequence of tokens, output, is the result.