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The reshape_video_to_text function is designed as a utility within the zeta.ops library, which aims to provide operations for handling and transforming multidimensional data, particularly in the context of video and text processing. This function specifically addresses the common need to reshape video data so that it aligns with the tensor representation of text data.

In machine learning tasks that involve both video and text, it's often necessary to ensure that the tensor representations of these two different modalities match in certain dimensions for joint processing or comparison. The reshape_video_to_text function provides an efficient means to perform this adjustment on video tensors.

Function Definition

Here is the simple yet essential function definition for reshape_video_to_text:

def reshape_video_to_text(x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    Reshapes the video tensor to the same size as the text tensor.
    From B, C, T, H, W to B, Seqlen, Dimension using rearrange.

        x (Tensor): The video tensor.

        Tensor: The reshaped video tensor.
    b, c, t, h, w = x.shape
    out = rearrange(x, "b c t h w -> b (t h w) c")
    return out


Parameter Type Description
x Tensor The video tensor to be reshaped.

Usage Examples

Example 1: Basic Usage

In this example, we will create a random video tensor and reshape it using reshape_video_to_text:

import torch
from einops import rearrange

from zeta.ops import reshape_video_to_text

# Create a random video tensor of shape (Batch, Channels, Time, Height, Width)
video_tensor = torch.rand(2, 3, 4, 5, 5)  # Example shape: B=2, C=3, T=4, H=5, W=5

# Reshape the video tensor to match the dimensions of text tensor representation
reshaped_video = reshape_video_to_text(video_tensor)

print(f"Original shape: {video_tensor.shape}")
print(f"Reshaped shape: {reshaped_video.shape}")


Original shape: torch.Size([2, 3, 4, 5, 5])
Reshaped shape: torch.Size([2, 100, 3])

Example 2: Integrating with a Model

Here is an example of how one might integrate reshape_video_to_text within a neural network model that processes both video and text inputs:

import torch.nn as nn

from zeta.ops import reshape_video_to_text

class VideoTextModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        # Define other layers and operations for the model

    def forward(self, video_x, text_x):
        reshaped_video = reshape_video_to_text(video_x)
        # Continue with the model's forward pass, perhaps combining
        # the reshaped video tensor with the text tensor
        # ...
        return output

# Instantiate the model
model = VideoTextModel()

# Prepare a video tensor and a text tensor
video_x = torch.rand(2, 3, 4, 5, 5)
text_x = torch.rand(2, 100)

# Run the forward pass of the model
output = model(video_x, text_x)

Example 3: Using in Data Preprocessing

The reshape_video_to_text function can also be used as part of the data preprocessing pipeline:

from torchvision.transforms import Compose

from zeta.ops import reshape_video_to_text

class ReshapeVideoToTextTransform:
    def __call__(self, video_tensor):
        reshaped_video = reshape_video_to_text(video_tensor)
        return reshaped_video

# Define a transformation pipeline for video tensors
video_transforms = Compose(
        # ... other video transforms (resizing, normalization, etc.) if necessary

# Apply the transforms to a video tensor
video_tensor = torch.rand(2, 3, 4, 5, 5)
video_tensor_transformed = video_transforms(video_tensor)

Additional Information and Tips

  • The rearrange operation used in the reshape_video_to_text function comes from the einops library, which provides a set of powerful operations for tensor manipulation. Before using the code, you must install the einops library via pip install einops.
  • The reshaping pattern "b c t h w -> b (t h w) c" converts the 5-dimensional video tensor into a 3-dimensional tensor suitable for comparison with text tensor data, which is typically 2-dimensional (sequence length and dimension). The channels are preserved in the last dimension.


The zeta.ops.reshape_video_to_text function is an invaluable utility in the context of multimodal learning, where it is necessary to have congruent tensor representations for video and text data. It is a simple function that works as part of a larger toolbox designed to handle the complexities of video-text interaction in deep learning models.


  • einops documentation:

Note: The provided examples above include a simple usage case, integration with a neural network model, and application in a data preprocessing pipeline. These examples should help you understand how to incorporate the reshape_video_to_text function into different parts of your machine learning workflow.