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GumbelMax serves the purpose of providing a differentiable approximation to the process of drawing samples from a categorical distribution. This is particularly useful in areas such as reinforcement learning or generative models where the Gumbel-Max trick can be used to sample actions or categories without losing gradient information.


Parameter Type Default Description
x Tensor N/A The input tensor containing unnormalized log probabilities.
temp float 1.0 The temperature parameter controlling the sharpness of the distribution.
hard boolean False Determines the output format: one-hot encoded vector or probabilities distribution.


The GumbelMax function manipulates the input tensor x by adding Gumbel noise to generate samples from a Gumbel distribution. This process serves as an approximation to sampling from a categorical distribution. When the hard parameter is set to True, the output is a one-hot encoded tensor representing the selected category. Otherwise, a probability distribution tensor is returned. The temp parameter affects the 'sharpness' of the softmax output; lower values make the output closer to one-hot encoding.

Functionality and Usage

GumbelMax utilizes the Gumbel-Max trick, which enables gradient-based optimization over discrete variables by providing a continuous representation that can be used in backpropagation. The function first creates Gumbel noise and adds it to the input tensor, then applies a softmax function to generate a probability distribution over possible classes. The temperature parameter temp controls the concentration of the distribution – a smaller temp leads to a more concentrated, 'sharper' distribution, which makes the output resemble a one-hot tensor more closely.

The hard parameter allows users to decide between a 'soft', probabilistic representation and a 'hard', deterministic one (one-hot encoded). Even with the hard version, gradients can still flow through the operation during backpropagation due to the straight-through estimator trick employed.

Usage Examples

Example 1: Soft Sampling

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from zeta.ops import gumbelmax

# Unnormalized log probabilities
logits = torch.tensor([[0.1, 0.5, 0.4]])

# Soft sampling with default temperature
soft_sample = gumbelmax(logits)

Example 2: Hard Sampling

# Hard sampling with temperature t=0.5
hard_sample = gumbelmax(logits, temp=0.5, hard=True)

Example 3: Changing Temperature

# Soft sampling with a higher temperature, resulting in a smoother distribution
smooth_sample = gumbelmax(logits, temp=5.0)

# Soft sampling with a lower temperature, resulting in a sharper distribution
sharp_sample = gumbelmax(logits, temp=0.1)

Additional Information and Tips

  • The Gumbel-Max trick is a cornerstone technique for non-differentiable sampling processes, making them compatible with gradient-based optimization techniques.
  • Keep an eye on the temperature parameter as it can significantly affect the behavior of the function, especially the variance of the samples drawn.
  • While using hard=True provides a deterministic output, the gradients can still be computed due to the reparameterization trick employed internally.