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Module/Function Name: TruncatedRotaryEmbedding

The TruncatedRotaryEmbedding class is part of the Zeta library and is designed to implement the rotary embeddings with a truncation mechanism. The rotary embedding is a positional encoding method that aims to provide the model with information about the relative positions of the tokens in a sequence. The TruncatedRotaryEmbedding class extends the rotary embedding concept by incorporating a truncation mechanism, which sets the rotary embedding to zero for positions where the frequency is higher than a specified threshold.

The architecture and workings of this class are inspired by the paper link to the paper.


  • dim (int): Dimensionality of the embeddings.
  • a (float): Lower bound of the truncation region. Rotary embeddings with frequency lower than a will be set to zero.
  • b (float): Upper bound of the truncation region. Rotary embeddings with frequency higher than or equal to b will not be truncated.
  • rho (float): Value to which the rotary embeddings will be truncated in the region [a, b).

The dim parameter is required to determine the dimensionality of the embeddings, while a, b, and rho are hyperparameters that control the truncation mechanism.


forward(seq_len, device)

Computes the truncated rotary embeddings for a given sequence length.


  • seq_len (int): Length of the sequence for which the rotary embeddings are to be computed.
  • device (torch.device): Device on which the computations are to be performed.


  • result (Tensor): A tensor containing the truncated rotary embeddings for the specified sequence length.

Functionality and Usage:

The TruncatedRotaryEmbedding class is used to compute the truncated rotary embeddings for a given sequence length. The rotary embeddings are computed by multiplying a tensor containing the position indices of the tokens in the sequence by the inverse frequencies. The inverse frequencies are computed based on the specified embedding dimension dim and are stored in the inv_freq buffer.

The truncation mechanism is implemented by creating a theta_star tensor, which is used to multiply the computed freqs. The theta_star tensor is created based on the specified a, b, and rho parameters, and the computed freqs tensor. For positions where the frequency is higher than or equal to b, the rotary embeddings are not truncated, and theta_star is set to the frequency at that position. For positions where the frequency is lower than a, the rotary embeddings are set to zero, and theta_star is set to zero. For positions where the frequency is in the range [a, b], the rotary embeddings are truncated to rho, and theta_star is set to rho.

Once the theta_star tensor is created, it is multiplied element-wise by the freqs tensor to compute the final truncated rotary embeddings.

Usage Example:

import torch

from zeta.nn.embeddings.truncated_rope import TruncatedRotaryEmbedding

# Define the parameters
dim = 64
a = 0.1
b = 0.9
rho = 0.5
seq_len = 100
device = torch.device("cuda")

# Create the TruncatedRotaryEmbedding module
trunc_rotary_emb = TruncatedRotaryEmbedding(dim, a, b, rho)

# Compute the truncated rotary embeddings for the specified sequence length
rotary_embeddings = trunc_rotary_emb(seq_len, device)


In this example, the TruncatedRotaryEmbedding module is created with the specified dim, a, b, and rho parameters. The forward method is then called with the specified seq_len and device parameters to compute the truncated rotary embeddings for a sequence of length seq_len.

Additional Information and Tips:

  • The a, b, and rho parameters control the truncation mechanism and may need to be tuned based on the specific application and data being used. In particular, the a parameter should be set to a value that effectively removes the high-frequency noise in the rotary embeddings, while the b parameter should be set to a value that retains the useful positional information in the rotary embeddings.

  • The dim parameter should be set to the same value as the embedding dimension used in the model.

  • The device parameter in the forward method should be set to the same device on which the model is being trained.

Mathematical Formulation:

The mathematical formulation of the truncated rotary embeddings can be expressed as follows:

[ \text{freqs} = t \cdot \text{inv_freq} ]

[ \theta = \text{base}^{-2 \cdot i / \text{dim}}, \, i = 0, 2, \ldots, \text{dim}-2 ]

[ \theta^* = \begin{cases} 0, & \text{if } \theta < a \ \rho, & \text{if } a \leq \theta < b \ \theta, & \text{if } \theta \geq b \end{cases} ]

[ \text{result} = \text{freqs} \cdot \theta^* ]


  • ( t ) is a tensor containing the position indices of the tokens in the sequence.
  • ( \text{inv_freq} ) is a tensor containing the inverse frequencies computed based on the specified dim parameter.
  • ( \text{freqs} ) is a tensor containing the computed frequencies for each position in the sequence.
  • ( \theta ) is a tensor containing the computed theta values for each position in the sequence.
  • ( \theta^* ) is a tensor containing the truncated theta values for each position in the sequence.
  • ( \text{result} ) is the final tensor containing the truncated rotary embeddings for each position in the sequence.

References and Resources:

For further exploration and implementation details, refer to the paper linked above.