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BasicHebbianGRUModel Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Class Definition
  3. Initialization
  4. Forward Pass
  5. Usage Examples
  6. Additional Information

1. Introduction

The BasicHebbianGRUModel is a PyTorch-based model designed for text-based tasks. It combines Hebbian learning with a GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) layer to process sequential data. This model introduces non-linearity through the ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) activation function.


  • The model is designed to learn and represent patterns in sequential data, making it suitable for various natural language processing (NLP) tasks.
  • It applies Hebbian learning to adaptively adjust weights based on input patterns, followed by GRU processing for sequential data handling.
  • The ReLU activation function introduces non-linearity, enabling the model to capture complex relationships in the data.

Key Features

  • Hebbian learning for weight adaptation.
  • GRU layer for sequential data processing.
  • ReLU activation for non-linearity.

2. Class Definition

class BasicHebbianGRUModel(nn.Module):
    A basic Hebbian learning model combined with a GRU for text-based tasks.

    - input_dim (int): Dimension of the input features.
    - hidden_dim (int): Dimension of the hidden state in the GRU.
    - output_dim (int): Dimension of the output features.

The BasicHebbianGRUModel class has the following attributes and methods:

  • input_dim (int): Dimension of the input features.
  • hidden_dim (int): Dimension of the hidden state in the GRU.
  • output_dim (int): Dimension of the output features.

3. Initialization

To create an instance of the BasicHebbianGRUModel, you need to specify the dimensions of input, hidden state, and output features. Here's how you can initialize the model:

input_dim = 512  # Dimension of the input features
hidden_dim = 256  # Dimension of the hidden state in the GRU
output_dim = 128  # Dimension of the output features
model = BasicHebbianGRUModel(input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim)

4. Forward Pass

The forward pass of the model processes input data through several stages:

  1. It applies Hebbian update rules to the weights.
  2. The data is then passed through a GRU layer.
  3. A ReLU activation function is applied to introduce non-linearity.
  4. Finally, the output is passed through a fully connected layer.

Here's how to perform a forward pass:

# Assuming input_tensor is a 3D tensor of shape (B, Seqlen, input_dim)
output = model(input_tensor)

5. Usage Examples

Example 1: Model Initialization

input_dim = 512
hidden_dim = 256
output_dim = 128
model = BasicHebbianGRUModel(input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim)

Example 2: Forward Pass

# Assuming input_tensor is a 3D tensor of shape (B, Seqlen, input_dim)
output = model(input_tensor)

Example 3: Accessing Model Parameters

# Accessing model parameters (weights, GRU parameters, FC layer parameters)
model_weights = model.weights
gru_parameters = model.gru.parameters()
fc_parameters = model.fc.parameters()

6. Additional Information

Tips for Effective Usage

  • For optimal results, ensure that input data is properly preprocessed and normalized.
  • Experiment with different hyperparameters, such as the dimensions of hidden states and output features, to fine-tune the model for your specific task.


This documentation provides an overview of the BasicHebbianGRUModel, its purpose, usage, and key features. For more details on its implementation and advanced usage, refer to the source code and additional resources.