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Class Name: MixtureOfExperts

Mixture of Experts model.

Args: | Argument | Data Type | Default Value | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | dim | int | N/A | Input dimension | | num_experts | int | N/A | Number of experts in the mixture | | hidden_layers | int, optional | None | Number of hidden layers in the experts | | mechanism | str, optional | "softmax" | Routing mechanism for selecting experts | | custom_feedforward | callable, optional | None | Custom feedforward function for the experts | | ff_mult | int, optional | 4 | Multiplier for the hidden layer dimension in the experts | | args | Variable length | N/A | Variable length argument list | | *kwargs | Dict | N/A | Arbitrary keyword arguments |


import torch

from zeta.nn import MixtureOfExperts

x = torch.randn(2, 4, 6)
model = MixtureOfExperts(dim=6, num_experts=2, hidden_layers=[32, 64])
output = model(x)