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The save_load decorator in the zeta.utils module is a Python decorator designed around PyTorch's torch.nn.Module subclasses. Its main functionality is to automate and streamline the saving and loading of trained models and their configurations, reducing the need for repeated code and increasing code readability and maintainability.

Key to its purpose is the ability to handle the model's state dictionary, training configurations, and PyTorch version. The decorator enhances the training workflow by allowing models’ states and configurations to be easily saved and loaded efficiently with built-in version compatibility checks and hooks for code execution pre and post-saving/loading.

Core Functionality

save_load Decorator

Considered a Base decorator for save and load methods for torch.nn.Module subclasses. In essence, a decorator is a higher-order function that can drape functionality over other functions or classes without changing their source code, which is exactly what the save_load decorator is.

The save_load decorator modifies torch.nn.Module subclasses by adding save, load and an initialization & load methods to the subclass. This allows for seamless saving and loading of the subclass instances states and configurations.

Function / Method definition

def save_load(
    version: Optional[str] = None,
    pre_save_hook: Optional[Callable[[Module], None]] = None,
    post_load_hook: Optional[Callable[[Module], None]] = None,
    compress: Optional[bool] = False,
    partial_load: Optional[bool] = False,

The function takes in several arguments:

Parameter Type Default Description
save_method_name str "save" The name used to set the save method for the instance.
load_method_name str "load" The name used to set the load method for the instance.
config_instance_var_name str "_config" The name used to set the instance's configuration variable.
init_and_load_classmethod_name str "init_and_load" The name used to set the class's initialization and loading method.
version Optional[str] None Version of the torch module. Used for checking compatibility when loading.
pre_save_hook Optional[Callable[[Module], None]] None Callback function before saving. Useful for final operations before saving states and configurations.
post_load_hook Optional[Callable[[Module], None]] None Callback function after loading. Ideal for any additional operations after loading states and configurations.
compress Optional[bool] False If set to True, the saved model checkpoints will be compressed.
partial_load Optional[bool] False If set to True, the saved model checkpoint will be partially loaded to existing models.
*args & **kwargs Any Additional arguments for the decorator.

The save_load decorator modifies the way a PyTorch model is initialized, saved, and loaded. It does this by wrapping new init, save, load, and init_and_load methods around the decorated class.

Usage Examples

Here is a basic usage example of the save_load decorator:

Example 1: Using default parameters on a PyTorch Model

from torch.nn import Linear, Module

from zeta.utils import save_load

class MyModel(Module):

    def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim):
        self.layer = Linear(input_dim, output_dim)

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.layer(x)

# Initialize your model
model = MyModel(32, 10)

# Save your model"")

# Load your model
loaded_model = MyModel.load("")

Example 2: Using the save_load with non-default arguments

In this example, we are going to add pre_save_hook and post_load_hook to demonstrate their usage. These functions will be called just before saving and