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MaxVit Class Documentation

The MaxVit class in the zeta.models module is a neural network module for constructing Vision Transformers (ViT) with MixUp functionality. This class extends PyTorch's native nn.Module class while adding various features suited for implementing ViTs. The following sections will provide additional details:

Class Definition

class MaxVit(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        dim_head: int = 32,
        window_size: int = 7,
        mbconv_expansion_rate: int = 4,


Parameters Type Description
num_classes int The number of classes in the classification task.
dim int The dimension of the input data.
depth list Tuple indicating the number of transformer blocks at a given stage.
dim_head int (Default = 32) The dimensionally of the transformer's heads.
dim_conv_stem int (Default = None) The dimensionality of the convolutional stem. If not provided, the dimension of the input is used.
window_size int (Default = 7) The size of the sliding windows used for efficient grid-like attention.
mbconv_expansion_rate int (Default = 4) Expansion rate used in Mobile Inverted Residual Bottleneck (MBConv) used in the block.
mbconv_shrinkage_rate float (Default = 0.25) Shrinkage rate used in Mobile Inverted Residual Bottleneck (MBConv) used in the block.
dropout float (Default = 0.01) The dropout rate for regularization.
channels int (Default = 3) Number of input channels.

Functions / Methods

forward(x, texts=None, cond_fns=None, cond_drop_prob=0.0, return_embeddings=False)

This function carries out the forward propagation through the MaxVit model given an input x.


Parameter Type Description
x torch.Tensor The input tensor to the MaxVit model.
texts List[str] (Optional) list of textual data for interpreting image data
cond_fns Tuple[Callable, ...] (Optional) List of conditional functions to apply per layer
cond_drop_prob float (Default = 0.0) Conditional dropout probability.
return_embeddings bool (Default = False) Whether to return embeddings instead of class scores.


Returns the output of the multi-layer transformer, which could either be the class scores (default) or embeddings based on return_embeddings value.

Example Usage

from zeta.models import MaxVit

model = MaxVit(num_classes=10, dim=512, depth=(3, 2), dim_head=64, channels=3)

x = torch.randn(
    1, 3, 224, 224
)  # suppose we have an random tensor representing an image

out = model(x)  # forward pass

print(out.shape)  # torch.Size([1, 10])


The MaxVit model is essentially a combination of vision transformers and efficient blocks (based on MobileNet family). First, the input passes through a convolutional stem. Afterward, the data flow through several stages. Each stage consists of a sequence of blocks, and each block is a combination of a Mobile Inverted Residual Bottleneck (MBConv) followed by the Transformer layers. Finally, the output to predict the classifications is obtained through the MLP head.

In addition to the traditional forward functionality, MaxVit also supports conditional functions that can be used to modify the network behavior per layer, adding a layer of flexibility to the model. Furthermore, the model supports the option to return the transformer embeddings, making it applicable for other tasks beyond simple classification.


The forward method of MaxVit is beartyped for type checking which enforces strong typing, improving the efficiency of the class.