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Module/Class Name: ViT (Vision Transformer)

The Vision Transformer (ViT) is a class designed as part of the zeta.models library. It builds upon the efficient Transformer architecture for applying convolutions for image recognition tasks. The ViT class inherits the properties and methods from PyTorch's built-in torch.nn.Module class. This class repurposes the Transformer architecture for image processing tasks by dividing the image into numerous patches and feeding them into the Transformer.

Class Definition

class ViT(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, *, image_size, patch_size, attn_layers, channels=3, num_classes=None, post_emb_norm=False, emb_dropout=0.0):
This class takes the following parameters as inputs:

Parameter Type Description Default
image_size int The dimensions (height and width) of the input image. -
patch_size int The dimensions of each image patch to be input to the Transformer. -
attn_layers Encoder A sequence of attention layers defined using the Encoder class. -
channels int The number of color-bands (usually RGB). 3
num_classes int The number of classes to be detected, otherwise None for unsupervised learning scenarios. None
post_emb_norm bool Whether to apply layer-normalization to the embeddings. False
emb_dropout float The probability of an element to be zeroed in dropout. 0.0

Method Definitions

Here are the core methods of the ViT class:

  1. __init__

This method initializes the instance and sets up the various components of the Transformer, including the positional embeddings, the sequence of attention layers, and the output MLP head.

  1. forward

This method defines the feedforward computations of the ViT, starting from the division of the input image into patches, the conversion of patches into embeddings, applying attention layers, and, if specified, the MLP head for classification output.

Usage Examples

Here, we demonstrate how to use the ViT class.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
from PIL import Image
from torchvision import transforms

from zeta.models import Encoder, ViT

# Load an image and apply some pre-processing
img ="path_to_your_image.jpg")
transform = transforms.Compose(
    [transforms.Resize((224, 224)), transforms.ToTensor()]  # Resize image to 224x224
img_tensor = transform(img).unsqueeze(0)

# Define an Encoder with attention layers
encoder = Encoder(dim=512, depth=12)

# Instantiate a ViT model
vit_model = ViT(

# Generate outputs using the ViT model
outputs = vit_model(img_tensor, return_embeddings=True)

print("Output shape (with embeddings):", outputs.size())

outputs = vit_model(img_tensor, return_embeddings=False)

print("Output shape (without embeddings):", outputs.size())

This code presents a usage scenario of the ViT class. It illustrates how to load an image, preprocess it, define an Encoder instance with attention layers, instantiate a ViT model with the defined Encoder, and generate outputs (embeddings and class probabilities) using the instantiated ViT model.