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Module/Function Name: NaViT

class NaViT(nn.Module)
The NaViT class is a subclass of PyTorch's nn.Module class. It is a reference architecture for creating multi-layer transformers with a pluggable attention, positional encoding, and optional token dropping.


To create a NaViT instance, the following parameters need to be specified:

def __init__(
Parameter Data Type Description
image_size int The size of the input image.
patch_size int The size of the patch that the model will use for feature representation.
num_classes int The number of classes in the problem, i.e., the size of the output layer of the model.
dim int Dimension of the model.
depth int The number of transformer layers.
heads int The number of attention heads in the transformer.
mlp_dim int The dimension of the multilayer perceptron in the feedforward network.
channels int The number of input channels. Defaults to 3.
dim_head int The dimension of the attention head. Defaults to 64.
dropout float Standard dropout. Defaults to 0. The probability of a feature being zeroed out during training.
emb_dropout float Dropout applied to the learned embedding at the beginning of the transformer stack. Defaults to 0.
token_dropout_prob scalar The probability of dropping out tokens before the transformer. Optional.

forward pass:

The forward method specifies the behavior of the model during its forward pass. It takes an image batch as input and returns the output of the model, which is the class probabilities for each input image.

def forward(self, batched_images: Union[List[Tensor], List[List[Tensor]]], group_images=False, group_max_seq_len=2048)
Parameter Data Type Description
batched_images Tensor or List of Tensors The input batch of images.
group_images bool Whether or not to automatically group the images by maximum sequence length. Default: False.
group_max_seq_len int The group maximum sequence length for auto-packing. Default: 2048.

It outputs a 2D tensor with dimensions (batch size, number of classes), representing the class probabilities for each input image.

Code example:

import torch

from zeta.models import NaViT

# initialize the model
model = NaViT(

# random tensor representing a batch of 10 images, with 3 color channels, each 32x32 pixels
x = torch.randn(10, 3, 32, 32)

# the forward function returns the output of the model, which represents class probabilities for each image.
output = model.forward(x)
print(output.shape)  # prints: torch.Size([10, 10])

This example demonstrates how to initialize the NaViT model with a set of parameters, how to represent a batch of images as a tensor, and how to feed the image tensor to the model to get the output.

The output is a batch of logits tensors where each tensor corresponds to class probabilities of the image. The size of each tensor is equal to the num_classes, i.e., every batch of images returns a tensor of dimensions (batch size, num_classes).

This allows direct comparison with the target labels to compute the loss and to derive the gradients during model training.