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SSM (Selective Scanning Module) Documentation


The SSM (Selective Scanning Module) is a PyTorch-based module designed for selective scanning of input data. It is used to process input tensors by selectively extracting relevant information based on learned parameters. This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to understand, use, and maximize the functionality of the SSM module when imported from the zeta.nn library.

Class Definition

SSM Class

Constructor Parameters

  • in_features (int): Size of the input features.
  • dt_rank (int): Rank of the dt projection.
  • dim_inner (int): Inner dimension of the dt projection.
  • d_state (int): Dimension of the state.


forward Method

Method Parameters

  • x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor.
  • pscan (bool, optional): Whether to use selective_scan or selective_scan_seq. (default: True)

Functionality and Usage

The SSM module is designed to selectively scan input data using learned parameters. Here's how it works:

  1. Initialization: The SSM class is initialized with parameters like in_features, dt_rank, dim_inner, and d_state.

  2. Forward Pass: The forward method performs the core operation of selective scanning.

  3. Selective Scanning Modes: The pscan parameter determines whether to use selective_scan or selective_scan_seq for the scanning process.

Example Usage

Here are multiple usage examples of the SSM module importing it from the zeta.nn library:

import torch

# Import SSM from zeta.nn
from zeta.nn import SSM

# Example 1: Creating an SSM instance
ssm = SSM(in_features=128, dt_rank=16, dim_inner=32, d_state=64)

# Example 2: Forward pass with selective_scan
output = ssm(torch.randn(10, 128))  # Output tensor after selective scanning

# Example 3: Forward pass with selective_scan_seq
output_seq = ssm(torch.randn(10, 128), pscan=False)  # Output using selective_scan_seq

Additional Information

  • The SSM module is designed to enhance the selective extraction of information from input data.
  • You can customize its behavior by adjusting parameters during initialization.
  • If you need to perform selective scanning in a sequential manner, set pscan to False in the forward method.

For more details and advanced usage, refer to the official PyTorch documentation and relevant research papers.

References and Resources