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SinusoidalEmbeddings Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose and Functionality
  3. Class: SinusoidalEmbeddings
  4. Initialization
  5. Parameters
  6. Forward Method
  7. Function: rotate_half
  8. Function: apply_rotary_pos_emb
  9. Usage Examples
  10. Using the SinusoidalEmbeddings Class
  11. Using the rotate_half Function
  12. Using the apply_rotary_pos_emb Function
  13. Additional Information
  14. Sinusoidal Positional Embeddings
  15. Rotary Positional Embeddings
  16. References

1. Introduction

Welcome to the Zeta documentation! This documentation provides an in-depth explanation of the SinusoidalEmbeddings class and related functions. Zeta is a PyTorch library that aims to simplify complex deep learning tasks. In this documentation, we will explore how SinusoidalEmbeddings and associated functions work and how they can be applied to various scenarios.

2. Purpose and Functionality

The SinusoidalEmbeddings class is designed to generate sinusoidal positional embeddings for sequences in transformer-based models. These embeddings are essential for self-attention mechanisms to understand the positions of elements within a sequence. Additionally, this documentation covers the rotate_half and apply_rotary_pos_emb functions, which help apply positional embeddings to input data.

3. Class: SinusoidalEmbeddings

The SinusoidalEmbeddings class generates sinusoidal positional embeddings. It provides flexibility in configuring the embeddings and can be used to generate both basic sinusoidal embeddings and rotary positional embeddings.


To create an instance of the SinusoidalEmbeddings class, you need to specify the following parameters:

SinusoidalEmbeddings(dim, scale_base=None, use_xpos=False)


  • dim (int): The dimensionality of the embeddings.

  • scale_base (float or None, optional): The scale base for rotary positional embeddings. Must be defined if use_xpos is set to True. Default is None.

  • use_xpos (bool, optional): Whether to use positional information. If True, positional embeddings will be generated. Default is False.

Forward Method

The forward method of the SinusoidalEmbeddings class generates sinusoidal positional embeddings based on the input sequence length. It returns two tensors: frequency embeddings and scale embeddings.

def forward(x):
    # ...
    return freqs, scale

4. Function: rotate_half

The rotate_half function is used to rotate input data by 180 degrees along the last dimension. It is a useful operation when working with rotary positional embeddings.


  • x (Tensor): The input tensor to be rotated.

Usage Example

import torch

from zeta import rotate_half

# Create an input tensor
x = torch.randn(2, 3, 4)

# Rotate the input tensor
rotated_x = rotate_half(x)

5. Function: apply_rotary_pos_emb

The apply_rotary_pos_emb function applies rotary positional embeddings to input query and key tensors. It takes care of the angular transformations needed for rotary embeddings.


  • q (Tensor): The query tensor to which rotary positional embeddings will be applied.

  • k (Tensor): The key tensor to which rotary positional embeddings will be applied.

  • freqs (Tensor): The frequency embeddings generated by the SinusoidalEmbeddings class.

  • scale (Tensor or float): The scale embeddings for rotary positional embeddings.

Usage Example

import torch

from zeta import apply_rotary_pos_emb

# Create query and key tensors
q = torch.randn(2, 3, 4)
k = torch.randn(2, 3, 4)

# Generate frequency and scale embeddings using SinusoidalEmbeddings

# Apply rotary positional embeddings
q_emb, k_emb = apply_rotary_pos_emb(q, k, freqs, scale)

6. Usage Examples

Let's explore some usage examples of the SinusoidalEmbeddings class and associated functions to understand how they can be used effectively.

Using the SinusoidalEmbeddings Class

import torch

from zeta import SinusoidalEmbeddings

# Create an instance of SinusoidalEmbeddings
positional_embedding = SinusoidalEmbeddings(dim=512, use_xpos=True, scale_base=1000)

# Create an input sequence tensor
sequence = torch.randn(1, 10, 512)

# Generate positional embeddings
freqs, scale = positional_embedding(sequence)

Using the rotate_half Function

This example demonstrates how to use the rotate_half function:

import torch

from zeta.nn import rotate_half

# Create an input tensor
x = torch.randn(2, 3, 4)

# Rotate the input tensor
rotated_x = rotate_half(x)

Using the apply_rotary_pos_emb Function

This example demonstrates how to apply rotary positional embeddings using the apply_rotary_pos_emb function:

import torch

from zeta.nn import rotate_half

# Create query and key tensors
q = torch.randn(2, 3, 4)
k = torch.randn(2, 3, 4)

# Generate frequency and scale embeddings using SinusoidalEmbeddings

# Apply rotary positional embeddings
q_emb, k_emb = apply_rotary_pos_emb(q, k, freqs, scale)

7. Additional Information

Sinusoidal Positional Embeddings <a name="sinusoidal


Sinusoidal positional embeddings are essential for transformer-based models to understand the positions of elements within a sequence. They provide information about the order and location of tokens in the input sequence.

Rotary Positional Embeddings

Rotary positional embeddings are a specialized type of positional embedding that are particularly useful in some transformer variants. They involve angular transformations to capture positional information in a unique way.

8. References

For further information on positional embeddings in transformers and related concepts, you can refer to the following resources:

This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the Zeta library's SinusoidalEmbeddings class and associated functions. It aims to help you understand the purpose, functionality, and usage of these components for positional embeddings in transformer-based models.