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PalmE Class Documentation

This documentation covers the PalmE class of the zeta.models module. This class inherits from PyTorch's torch.nn.Module base class for all neural network modules. It's the starting point for creating models in PyTorch; such models can include layers which in turn can also be modules themselves..

The PalmE class implements an encoder-decoder architecture useful for solving a variety of tasks by having the encoder extract information from input data which the decoder then uses to generate outputs.

Class Definition

The PalmE class is constructed as follows:

class PalmE(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(


Parameter Type Description
image_size int Size of the input images. Default value is 256.
patch_size int Size of the patches to divide input images into. Default value is 32.
encoder_dim int Dimensionality of the encoder. Default value is 512.
encoder_depth int Number of layers in the encoder. Default value is 6.
encoder_heads int Number of attention heads in the encoder. Default value is 8.
num_tokens int Number of tokens in the input text. Default value is 20000.
max_seq_len int Maximum length of text sequences. Default value is 1024.
decoder_dim int Dimensionality of the decoder. Default value is 512.
decoder_depth int Number of layers in the decoder. Default value is 6.
decoder_heads int Number of attention heads in the decoder. Default value is 8.
alibi_num_heads int Number of heads for the alibi attention mechanism in the decoder. Default value is 4.
use_abs_pos_emb bool Whether to use absolute positional encoding in the decoder. Default is False.
cross_attend bool Whether the decoder should attend to the encoded image features. Default is True.
alibi_pos_bias bool Whether to use a bias in the alibi attention mechanism. Default is True.
rotary_xpos bool Whether to use the rotary positional encoding in place of the token positional encoding. Default is True.
attn_flash bool Whether to use attention flash in the decoder. Default is True.
qk_norm bool Whether to normalize query and key in the decoder self-attention. Default is True.



The __init__() method initializes the PalmE instance, sets up the encoder and decoder, and wraps the decoder in an AutoRegressiveWrapper.


The forward() method performs forward propagation through the model by using the encoder to generate encoded representations of the input images, and then passing these representations and the input text to the decoder in order to generate the model's outputs. A high level pseudo code example can be:

def forward(self, img, text):
        encoded = self.encoder(img, return_embeddings=True)
        return self.decoder(text, context=encoded)
    except Exception as error:
        print(f"Failed in forward method: {error}")


Below you'll find various examples on how to use the PalmE class.

Example 1: Creating a PalmE Instance

Here’s an example of how to instantiate the PalmE class with the default parameters:

import torch

from zeta.models import PalmE

model = PalmE()

Example 2: Pass input through the model

In this example, we create random image batch and text batch data, and pass them through our PalmE model:

img = torch.rand(16, 3, 256, 256)  # batch of 16 images
text = torch.randint(0, 20000, (50, 16))  # batch of 50 token sequences for 16 samples

model = PalmE()
out = model(img, text)

Example 3: Modifying model configuration

Let's modify the model's configuration parameters at instantiation:

model = PalmE(

Here we modified the encoder_dim, encoder_depth, decoder_dim, decoder_depth and attn_flash parameters.

Additional Notes

  • The input images should have dimensions (batch_size, channels, height, width). The number of channels should usually be 3 (for RGB images), and the height and width should match the image_size parameter.

  • The decoder's parameters can be tuned to balance between computational efficiency and the model's performance on your specific task.

  • The forward() method may raise an exception if there's a bad input or a compatibility issue between the inputs' and the model's dimensions. Always make sure to match the dimensions.

  • Please refer to the torch.nn.Module documentation for general information on PyTorch modules.

  • The rotary_xpos feature refers to the rotary positional encoding introduced in the paper Pay Attention to MLPs. It's an alternative to traditional token positional encodings, and often works better.

  • Always make sure your input tensor types (CPU tensor, CUDA tensor etc.) match the configuration of the model.

  • The PalmE class supports the standard PyTorch methods for moving the model to a device (to(device)) and setting it to train or eval mode (train() / eval()).