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TransformerBlock Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose and Functionality
  3. Class: TransformerBlock
  4. Initialization
  5. Parameters
  6. Attention Mechanism
  7. Multi-Head Attention
  8. Rotary Embedding
  9. Feedforward Network
  10. Caching and Optimization
  11. Usage Examples
  12. Basic Usage
  13. Fine-Tuning
  14. Additional Information
  15. Layernorm
  16. Position Embeddings
  17. References

1. Introduction

Welcome to the Zeta documentation for the TransformerBlock class! Zeta is a versatile library that offers tools for efficient training of deep learning models using PyTorch. This documentation will provide a comprehensive overview of the TransformerBlock class, its architecture, purpose, and usage.

2. Purpose and Functionality

The TransformerBlock class is a fundamental component of the Zeta library. It is designed to be used within a transformer-based architecture, and its primary purpose is to process input data efficiently. Below, we'll explore the key functionalities and features of the TransformerBlock class.

3. Class: TransformerBlock

The TransformerBlock class is the building block of transformer-based models. It performs various operations, including multi-head attention and feedforward network, to process input data. Let's dive into the details of this class.


To create a TransformerBlock instance, you need to specify various parameters and configurations. Here's an example of how to initialize it:



  • dim (int): The dimension of the input data.

  • dim_head (int): The dimension of each attention head.

  • causal (bool): Whether to use a causal (auto-regressive) attention mechanism. Default is True.

  • heads (int): The number of attention heads.

  • qk_rmsnorm (bool): Whether to apply root mean square normalization to query and key vectors. Default is False.

  • qk_scale (int): Scaling factor for query and key vectors. Used when qk_rmsnorm is True. Default is 8.

  • ff_mult (int): Multiplier for the feedforward network dimension. Default is 4.

  • attn_dropout (float): Dropout probability for attention layers. Default is 0.0.

  • ff_dropout (float): Dropout probability for the feedforward network. Default is 0.0.

  • use_xpos (bool): Whether to use positional embeddings. Default is True.

  • xpos_scale_base (int): Scaling factor for positional embeddings. Default is 512.

  • flash_attn (bool): Whether to use Flash Attention mechanism. Default is False.

Attention Mechanism

The TransformerBlock class includes a powerful attention mechanism that allows the model to focus on relevant parts of the input data. It supports both regular and Flash Attention.

Multi-Head Attention

The class can split the attention mechanism into multiple heads, allowing the model to capture different patterns in the data simultaneously. The number of attention heads is controlled by the heads parameter.

Rotary Embedding

Rotary embeddings are used to enhance the model's ability to handle sequences of different lengths effectively. They are applied to query and key vectors to improve length extrapolation.

Feedforward Network

The TransformerBlock class includes a feedforward network that processes the attention output. It can be customized by adjusting the ff_mult parameter.

Caching and Optimization

The class includes mechanisms for caching causal masks and rotary embeddings, which can improve training efficiency. It also provides options for fine-tuning specific modules within the block.

4. Usage Examples

Now, let's explore some usage examples of the TransformerBlock class to understand how to use it effectively.

Basic Usage

# Create a TransformerBlock instance
transformer_block = TransformerBlock(dim=512, heads=8)

# Process input data
output = transformer_block(input_data)


# Create a TransformerBlock instance with fine-tuning modules
lora_q = YourCustomModule()
lora_k = YourCustomModule()
lora_v = YourCustomModule()
lora_o = YourCustomModule()

transformer_block = TransformerBlock(
    dim=512, heads=8, finetune_modules=(lora_q, lora_k, lora_v, lora_o)

# Process input data
output = transformer_block(input_data)

5. Additional Information


The TransformerBlock class uses layer normalization (layernorm) to normalize input data before processing. This helps stabilize and accelerate training.

Position Embeddings

Position embeddings are used to provide the model with information about the position of tokens

in the input sequence. They are crucial for handling sequences of different lengths effectively.

6. References

This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to the TransformerBlock class in the Zeta library, explaining its purpose, functionality, parameters, and usage. You can now effectively integrate this class into your deep learning models for various natural language processing tasks and beyond.