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PatchEmbeddings Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose and Functionality
  3. Class: PatchEmbeddings
  4. Parameters
  5. Usage Examples
  6. Using the PatchEmbeddings Class
  7. Additional Information
  8. References

1. Introduction

Welcome to the Zeta documentation! In this documentation, we will explore the PatchEmbeddings class, which is part of the Zeta library. This class plays a crucial role in the field of computer vision, particularly in the context of image processing and deep learning. This documentation aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of its purpose, functionality, and usage.

2. Purpose and Functionality

The PatchEmbeddings class serves as a fundamental component for processing images in deep learning models, such as transformers and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Its primary functionalities include:

Patch Embedding

  • Image Segmentation: It segments an input image into smaller patches, which are then individually processed by the neural network.

  • Dimensionality Transformation: It transforms the dimensionality of each patch, preparing them for further processing.

  • Normalization: It applies layer normalization to the patch embeddings for improved training stability.

Image-to-Sequence Transformation

  • Reshaping: The class reshapes the image patches into a sequence of vectors suitable for input to models like transformers.

  • Linear Projection: It uses a linear layer to project the patch embeddings into the desired output dimension.


  • Configurability: You can configure the input and output dimensions, allowing flexibility for various model architectures.

  • Normalization Control: It provides control over the layer normalization applied to the embeddings.

3. Class: PatchEmbeddings

The PatchEmbeddings class has the following signature:

class PatchEmbeddings(nn.Module):
    def __init__(

    def forward(self, x)


  • dim_in (int): The input dimension of the image patches.

  • dim_out (int): The output dimension after embedding the patches.

  • seq_len (int): The length of the sequence after patching the image.

4. Usage Examples

Let's explore how to use the PatchEmbeddings class effectively in various scenarios.

Using the PatchEmbeddings Class

Here's how to use the PatchEmbeddings class to embed image patches:

import torch

from import PatchEmbeddings

# Define the input image properties
dim_in = 3  # Input dimension of image patches (e.g., 3 for RGB images)
dim_out = 64  # Output dimension after embedding
seq_len = 16  # Length of the sequence after patching the image

# Create an instance of PatchEmbeddings
patch_embed = PatchEmbeddings(dim_in, dim_out, seq_len)

# Create a random input image tensor (batch_size, channels, height, width)
image = torch.randn(32, dim_in, 224, 224)  # Example input image with 32 samples

# Apply patch embedding
embedded_patches = patch_embed(image)

# Print the embedded patches

5. Additional Information

Here are some additional notes and tips related to the PatchEmbeddings class:

  • Image Patching: Patching images is a common technique used to process large images in deep learning models.

  • Normalization: The application of layer normalization helps stabilize training and improve convergence.

  • Dimensionality Transformation: Patch embeddings are essential for converting spatial information in images into sequences suitable for neural networks.

  • Versatile Usage: The PatchEmbeddings class can be used in various vision-based deep learning architectures.

6. References

For further information on image patching, layer normalization, and related concepts, you can refer to the following resources:

This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the Zeta library's PatchEmbeddings class. It aims to help you understand the purpose, functionality, and usage of this class for image patch embedding, which is a crucial step in various computer vision applications and deep learning models.