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1. Overview

The LaplaceActivation is an artificial neuron that applies an elementwise activation based on the Laplace function. This was introduced in MEGA as an attention activation, which can be found in this paper.

The LaplaceActivation is inspired by the squaring operation of the ReLU (Rectified Linear Units) function, but comes with a bounded range and gradient for improved stability.

2. Class Description

The LaplaceActivation is part of the PyTorch neural network (nn) module, specifically intended to provide activation functionality based on the Laplace function to a neural network model.

Class Definition

class LaplaceActivation(nn.Module):

Method: forward

This function applies the Laplace function across all elements in the input tensor. It takes as parameters the input tensor and optional parameters \mu and \sigma. The function computes the Laplace function as follows:

input = (input - \mu) / (\sigma * sqrt(2))
output = 0.5 * (1 + erf(input))
return output


Argument Type Description Default value
input Tensor Tensor input to the function.
\mu float Location parameter, \mu determines the shift or the mean of the function. 0.707107
\sigma float Scale parameter or standard deviation, \sigma determines the spread or the width of the function. 0.282095


A tensor with Laplace function applied elementwise.

3. Example Usage

Importing required libraries

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from zeta.nn import LaplaceActivation

Defining an instance

lap_act = LaplaceActivation()
Applying Laplace Activation to a tensor

input_tensor = torch.randn(10)
activated_tensor = lap_act(input_tensor)
Printing output


You should see the tensor output with Laplace activation applied elementwise.

4. Additional Information

The Laplace Activation function is a new approach to help stabilize the learning process in deep neural networks. It introduces bounded range and gradient which can be very useful when training deep learning models.

5. References

For more in-depth understanding, kindly refer to this paper.

6. Contact Information

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