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Decoder Class Documentation

Module/Class Name: Decoder

class Decoder(AttentionLayers):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        assert "causal" not in kwargs, "cannot set causality on decoder"
        super().__init__(causal=True, **kwargs)

Overview and Introduction

The Decoder class is a component of the Zeta library designed for creating a decoder model with multiple attention layers. It extends the functionality of the AttentionLayers class to enable the construction of a decoder architecture. The decoder is a key component in various sequence-to-sequence tasks, such as machine translation, text generation, and more.

The decoder employs multi-head self-attention mechanisms and feed-forward networks to transform input sequences into meaningful output sequences while maintaining the causal property. It is particularly suitable for autoregressive tasks, where each step depends only on previous steps in the sequence.

Class Definition

class Decoder(AttentionLayers):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        assert "causal" not in kwargs, "cannot set causality on decoder"
        super().__init__(causal=True, **kwargs)

The Decoder class inherits from the AttentionLayers class and introduces the causality constraint by setting causal=True. It is initialized with various parameters that configure the architecture and behavior of the decoder.


The Decoder class constructor accepts various parameters that control the behavior of the decoder. The most important parameters are inherited from the AttentionLayers class, and additional parameters specific to the decoder are introduced. Below is a summary of the parameters:

  • dim (int): Dimensionality of the model.
  • depth (int): Number of decoder layers.
  • heads (int): Number of parallel attention heads.
  • cross_attend (bool): Enable cross-attention between input and output sequences.
  • sandwich_coef (int): Coefficient for configuring sandwich normalization.
  • residual_attn (bool): Enable residual connection for self-attention layers.
  • cross_residual_attn (bool): Enable residual connection for cross-attention layers.
  • layer_dropout (float): Dropout probability applied to each layer.
  • ... (additional parameters inherited from AttentionLayers)

Functionality and Usage

The Decoder class extends the functionality of the AttentionLayers class to specifically create decoder models. It employs multi-head self-attention mechanisms and feed-forward networks to process input sequences and generate output sequences.


To create a decoder instance, you can use the following code:

from zeta import Decoder

decoder = Decoder(

Forward Pass

The forward pass of the decoder can be performed using the following code:

output = decoder(

Here, input_sequence represents the input sequence to the decoder, context_sequence represents the context sequence for cross-attention (if enabled), mask_sequence is an optional mask to ignore certain elements in the input, and context_mask_sequence is an optional mask for the context sequence.

Return Intermediates

If desired, you can also obtain intermediate outputs at each layer using the return_hiddens parameter:

output, intermediates = decoder(

The intermediates object will contain information about intermediate hidden states and attention outputs for each layer.

Mathematical Formula

The Decoder class is built upon the foundation of multi-head self-attention and feed-forward networks. It can be summarized using the following mathematical formula:

  1. Input Embedding: ( X )
  2. Multi-Head Self-Attention: ( A = \text{MultiHeadAttention}(X) )
  3. Feed-Forward Network: ( Y = \text{FeedForward}(A) )
  4. Residual Connection: ( Z = X + Y )

The above formula represents the basic forward pass of each layer in the decoder. The decoder iteratively applies these operations across its layers to generate meaningful output sequences while maintaining causal dependencies.


This documentation provides an in-depth overview of the Decoder class in the Zeta library. It covers its purpose, parameters, usage examples, and includes a simplified mathematical formula to illustrate its functionality.