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AlibiPositionalBias Documentation


The AlibiPositionalBias module belongs to the zeta library and plays a crucial role in handling positional bias for multi-head attention mechanisms. Specifically, it attempts to alleviate the absolute positional bias based on the number of attention heads.

Class Definition:

class AlibiPositionalBias(nn.Module):


  • heads (int): Number of attention heads for which the slopes need to be calculated.
  • total_heads (int): Total number of attention heads in the network.


  • slopes (Tensor): Tensor containing slope values, which are computed based on the number of heads.
  • bias (Tensor or None): Tensor for storing positional bias values. If not initialized or needs recomputation, it would be None.


__init__(self, heads, total_heads, **kwargs) -> None:

Initializes the AlibiPositionalBias module.

get_bias(self, i, j, device) -> Tensor:

Computes the positional bias for given dimensions i and j.

  • Parameters:
  • i (int): One dimension of the required positional bias.
  • j (int): Second dimension of the required positional bias.
  • device (torch.device): The device on which computations are to be performed.

_get_slopes(heads) -> List[float]:

A static method that calculates slopes based on the number of attention heads.

  • Parameters:
  • heads (int): Number of attention heads.

forward(self, i, j) -> Tensor:

Computes or retrieves the bias tensor for given dimensions.

  • Parameters:
  • i (int): One dimension for the required positional bias.
  • j (int): Second dimension for the required positional bias.

Mathematical Formula:

Given n attention heads, the alibi positional bias can be represented as:

[ \text{Bias} = \text{-abs}(j_{\text{range}}) \times \text{slope} ]

Where: - ( j_{\text{range}} ) is an array of numbers from 0 to j-1. - slope is computed based on the number of heads using _get_slopes method.

Usage Examples:

Example 1: Initialize and compute bias

import torch

from zeta import AlibiPositionalBias

bias_module = AlibiPositionalBias(heads=4, total_heads=8)
bias = bias_module(10, 10)

Example 2: Retrieve stored bias

bias = bias_module(5, 5)

Example 3: Computing bias for different dimensions

bias = bias_module(8, 15)


  • It's crucial to ensure that the total_heads parameter is always greater than or equal to the heads parameter during initialization.
  • The device property is internally used to determine the computation device based on the registered buffers.


For a deeper understanding and applications of positional bias in attention mechanisms, one may refer to the foundational paper on Transformer architectures: - Attention Is All You Need

Also, the einops library provides a versatile interface for tensor manipulations. More details can be found at its official documentation.