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Module/Function Name: GatedResidualBlock

class GatedResidualBlock(nn.Module):


The GatedResidualBlock is a subclass of the nn.Module which belongs to the PyTorch library. The main objective of this module is to implement a special variant of Residual Block structure which is commonly used in designing deep learning architectures.

Traditionally, a Residual Block allows the model to learn an identity function which helps in overcoming the problem of vanishing gradients in very deep networks. The GatedResidualBlock takes this a step further by introducing gating mechanisms, allowing the model to control the information flow across the network. The gate values, generated by the gate_module, determines the degree to which the input data flow should be altered by the first sub-block sb1.

This architecture promotes stability during the training of deep networks and increases the adaptability of the model to complex patterns in the data.

Class Definition

The class definition for GatedResidualBlock is as follows:

class GatedResidualBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, sb1, gate_module):
        self.sb1 = sb1
        self.gate_module = gate_module


Argument Type Description
sb1 nn.Module The first sub-block of the Gated Residual Block.
gate_module nn.Module The gate module that determines the degree to which the input should be altered by the first sub-block sb1.

Example: Usage of GatedResidualBlock

A simple usage of GatedResidualBlock is demonstrated below.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from zeta.nn import GatedResidualBlock

# Define the sub-blocks
sb1 = nn.Linear(16, 16)
gate_module = nn.Linear(16, 16)

# Create the GatedResidualBlock
grb = GatedResidualBlock(sb1, gate_module)

# Sample input
x = torch.rand(1, 16)

# Forward pass
y = grb(x)

In the above example, both subblocks are simple linear layers. The input x is passed through the GatedResidualBlock, where it's processed by the gate_module and sb1 as described in the class documentation.

Method Definition

The method definition for GatedResidualBlock class is as follows:

def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
    gate = torch.sigmoid(self.gate_module(x))
    return x + gate * self.sb1(x)

This method applies a standard forward pass to the input tensor x through the Gated Residual Block.


Argument Type Description
x torch.Tensor The input tensor.


It returns a torch.Tensor, the output tensor of the gated residual block.


This module requires the inputs sb1 and gate_module to be of nn.Module type. Any model architecture that extends nn.Module can be used as the sub-blocks. The gating mechanism helps to improve the model performance especially on complex and large data sets.

If you encounter any issues while using this module, please refer to the official PyTorch documentation or raise an issue on the relevant GitHub issue page.