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Transformer Documentation


The Transformer class in the Zeta library is a versatile deep learning architecture that combines attention mechanisms with feedforward neural networks for various natural language processing tasks, such as language modeling, machine translation, and text generation. The Transformer architecture was introduced in the paper "Attention is All You Need" by Vaswani et al.

The main purpose of the Transformer class is to provide a flexible and configurable interface for creating transformer-based models for sequence-to-sequence tasks. The class allows users to specify the number of tokens, maximum sequence length, attention layers, embeddings, and other parameters necessary for creating and training transformer models.

The Transformer class supports both autoregressive and non-autoregressive training settings and includes features such as relative positional biases, rotary positional embeddings, memory tokens, and more.

Class Signature

class Transformer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        embedding_provider: BaseEmbedding,
        emb_dim = None,
        max_mem_len = 0.,
        shift_mem_down = 0,
        emb_dropout = 0.,
        post_emb_norm = False,
        num_memory_tokens = None,
        tie_embedding = False,
        logits_dim = None,
        use_abs_pos_emb = True,
        scaled_sinu_pos_emb = False,
        l2norm_embed = False,
        emb_frac_gradient = 1.


  • num_tokens (int): The total number of tokens in the vocabulary.
  • max_seq_len (int): The maximum length of the input sequences.
  • attn_layers (AttentionLayers): An instance of the AttentionLayers class representing the core attention layers of the transformer.
  • embedding_provider (BaseEmbedding): An instance of the BaseEmbedding class providing token embeddings.
  • emb_dim (int, optional): The embedding dimension. Default is None, in which case emb_dim is set to the same dimension as the attn_layers.
  • max_mem_len (float, optional): Maximum memory length for memory tokens. Default is 0.0, indicating no memory tokens.
  • shift_mem_down (int, optional): Number of positions to shift memory tokens down in each layer. Default is 0.
  • emb_dropout (float, optional): Dropout rate applied to the embedding layer. Default is 0.0.
  • post_emb_norm (bool, optional): Apply layer normalization to the post-embedding inputs. Default is False.
  • num_memory_tokens (int, optional): Number of memory tokens to use. Default is None, indicating no memory tokens.
  • tie_embedding (bool, optional): Tie the output projection weights with the input token embeddings. Default is False.
  • logits_dim (int, optional): Dimensionality of the output logits. Default is None, indicating that it's the same as num_tokens.
  • use_abs_pos_emb (bool, optional): Use absolute positional embeddings. Default is True.
  • scaled_sinu_pos_emb (bool, optional): Use scaled sinusoidal positional embeddings. Default is False.
  • l2norm_embed (bool, optional): Apply L2 normalization to the embeddings. Default is False.
  • emb_frac_gradient (float, optional): Fraction of the gradient that should go to the embedding. Default is 1.0.



def forward(
    return_embeddings = False,
    return_logits_and_embeddings = False,
    return_intermediates = False,
    mask = None,
    return_mems = False,
    return_attn = False,
    mems = None,
    pos = None,
    prepend_embeds = None,
    sum_embeds = None,

This method computes the forward pass of the transformer.


  • x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor representing the sequence of token indices.
  • return_embeddings (bool, optional): If True, return only the embeddings without applying the output projection. Default is False.
  • return_logits_and_embeddings (bool, optional): If True, return both the logits and embeddings. Default is False.
  • return_intermediates (bool, optional): If True, return intermediate attention values. Default is False.
  • mask (torch.Tensor, optional): Attention mask indicating positions to be masked. Default is None.
  • return_mems (bool, optional): If True, return updated memory tokens. Default is False.
  • return_attn (bool, optional): If True, return attention maps. Default is False.
  • mems (list of torch.Tensor, optional): Memory tokens for each layer. Default is None.
  • pos (torch.Tensor, optional): External positional embeddings. Default is None.
  • prepend_embeds (torch.Tensor, optional): Prepend embeddings to the input sequence. Default is None.
  • sum_embeds (torch.Tensor, optional): Sum external embeddings to the input sequence. Default is None.
  • kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to the attention layers.


The method returns the output logits or embeddings based on the specified return options.

Usage Examples

Here are three usage examples of the Transformer class from the Zeta library:

import torch

from zeta.nn import Decoder, Transformer

logits = torch.randint(0, 256, (1, 1024))

# Example 1: Basic Usage
transformer = Transformer(
    attn_layers=Decoder(dim=512, depth=12, heads=8),

logits = transformer(logits)

# # Example 2: Return Embeddings
# embeddings = transformer(input_tokens, return_embeddings=True)

# # Example 3: Return Intermediate Attention Maps
# logits, attn_maps = transformer(input_tokens, return_attn=True)

In these examples, replace attn_layers_instance and embedding_provider_instance with actual instances of AttentionLayers and BaseEmbedding, respectively, and input_tokens with your input tensor containing token indices.

Mathematical Formula

The mathematical formula for the Transformer class can be represented as follows:

Input -> Embedding -> Post-embedding Norm -> Embedding Dropout -> Project Embedding -> Attention Layers -> Layer Normalization -> To Logits/Embeddings

In this formula, "Attention Layers" represents the core attention mechanism of the transformer, which includes self-attention and feedforward neural networks.


  • Vaswani, A., Shazeer, N., Parmar, N., Uszkoreit, J., Jones, L., Gomez, A. N., ... & Polosukhin, I. (2017). Attention is All You Need. Advances in neural information processing systems, 30.
  • Zeta Library: Link to the official documentation of the Zeta library.
  • Insert any additional references or resources as needed. ```